How we can support you

You’ll probably have a number of questions and thoughts about organising a funeral. Our job is to listen to what you want, and gently guide you through what you need.

All our funeral arrangements start from a blank page. There is no template, formula, or time pressure. Nor is there a set way of working. Whether you prefer calls, emails, Zoom, or meetings, we listen and adapt to how you want to organise the funeral.

Find out about the choices available to you, see our services & costs, or look through some helpful resources.

Funeral directors in Forest Hill, London

1. Initial call
When you’re ready to speak with us, get in touch so we can talk things through.

You’ll hear from us about how funerals work and what you can expect when organising one. We’ll also answer any questions you might have.

Funeral home in Forest Hill, London

2. In-depth appointment
If we both feel like Poetic Endings is the right choice for you, we’ll arrange an in-depth session with one of our funeral directors (Louise, Clare or Joanna) to discuss your plans, provide you with a range of options, and help you to work out what might suit you best. Your funeral director will be your point of contact throughout and will be available for as much support and guidance as you need.

Funeral directors in Forest Hill, London

3. Sensitive care
When the time is right, we'll collect the person who has died and bring them into our care.

They will be looked after by our warm and experienced team - in brand new facilities in South East London - with sensitivity, kindness, and compassion.

Funeral directors in Forest Hill

4. Support on the day
The funeral director who guided you through the arrangements will be there to support you on the day and to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Learn about our revolutionary approach to funerals on BBC Radio 4.


Your next steps

If you’re unsure of what to do next, you can find more information about our transparent process and costs here. And when you’re ready to speak, you can get in touch. We’re here to help.