Celebrating the life of daniel monks


Our wonderful Dan died peacefully in St. Christopher’s Hospice on 29th January 2024 at the age of 48.

Dan had battled for years against Multiple Sclerosis and although we knew this day would come, nothing could prepare us for the loss we have all felt and how much we would miss him.

We would like to thank everyone who has been in touch with kind words over the past few weeks - it has been a great source of comfort and support and it means a lot to see how much Dan was loved by so many people.

Please join us for a celebration of Dan’s life at Watson’s General Telegraph on Monday 11th March at 12.30pm.

Please RSVP for the celebration using the form below.

Dan did not want anyone to buy flowers - if you would like to do something to remember Dan then please consider donating to St. Christopher’s Hospice, who looked after Dan with amazing care and love in the days before he died.

Please RSVP using the form below, so Dan’s family know if you’ll be attending the celebration.

Your data will be used solely for the purpose of helping Dan’s family to keep track of attendees. It will not be held for the purpose of marketing or any related activities.